Chloride by Variety Interactions in Spring Wheat

Chloride is known to suppress several wheat diseases or increase the ability of wheat to withstand infection. Wheat response to chloride fertilizer has been variable, because response depends upon many factors, including soil chloride levels, pH, plant tissue levels, and variety.


01 Mar 1997

1996 Annual Interpretive Summary

Chloride by Variety Interactions in Spring Wheat (Part of a regional Cl project), 1996

Chloride is known to suppress several wheat diseases or increase the ability of wheat to withstand infection. Wheat response to chloride fertilizer has been variable, because response depends upon many factors, including soil chloride levels, pH, plant tissue levels, and variety. The goal of this study was to evaluate historic, widely accepted, and future varieties for their response to chloride at two sites in North Dakota. At the site in western North Dakota, drought stress was severe for part of the season, but rains late in the season led to yields higher than expected. Most of the yields were lower with Cl, perhaps due to a miscommunication that resulted in potash being applied with the seed. At the eastern site, three varieties exhibited yield increases to chloride fertilizer. At both the eastern and western locations, chloride fertilization led to higher plant chloride levels. Kernel weight and maturity advancement was seen in all varieties, with a typical maturity advancement of one day. A prolonged dry period in June and July led to almost no foliar diseases at either site. No physiological deficiency symptoms were observed. ND-09F