Chloride by Variety Interactions in Spring Wheat
Chloride is known to suppress several wheat diseases or increase the ability of wheat to withstand infection. Wheat response to chloride fertilizer has been variable, because response depends upon many factors, including soil chloride levels, pH, plant tissue levels, and variety.
02 Mar 2000
1999 Annual Interpretive Summary
Chloride by Variety Interactions in Spring Wheat, 1999
Chloride is known to suppress several wheat diseases or increase the ability of wheat to withstand infection. Wheat response to Cl fertilizer has been variable, because response depends on many factors, including soil Cl levels, pH, plant tissue levels, and variety. The goal of this study was to evaluate the response of different hard red spring wheat varieties as well as durum to Cl at Dickinson. Chloride was applied at 0 and 40 lb/A as KCl. Application of Cl significantly decreased days to heading and plant height. Unfortunately, a severe hail storm damaged the study after plants headed but before physiological maturity was reached. As a result, no significant differences in yield were detected from the application of Cl. The study will be repeated in 2000 using funds carried over from the damaged study in 1999. ND-09F